Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A breakdown of the month *SNORT*

We spent two weeks up in manila in August. Ty rediscovered his love of escalators and Ellie discovered the fantastic trick of keeping everyone up at night when you all sleep in the same room. We all got spend time with the missionary aviation personnel and meet a newly arrived pilot family.

Beginning during our time there, stuff started going haywire on us. First, our laptop kicked the bucket, completely and resolutely. When we got back to Palawan, we lost a motorbike tire to a long nail; our desk top was rendered unusable due to a worm infestation (hence no emails or updates); our bathroom sprung a gusher, or in other words, a sizeable leak; we've had a 5 or 6 brown outs (aka, black outs); and, my current favorite, the ring...

Of all the 10 fingers I have, a critter would choose my wedding ring finger to take a nibble at. And, of course, my finger doesn't like to be nibbled at, so it swelled up in protest. And I woke up to a finger so swollen I couldn't get the rings off. I had to get them cut off. I hear, on the brighter side of it all, that they are fully fixable. That makes me happy.

On the sunnier side of things, Ben has been flying a couple missionaries into the tribal locations and lots of cargo to go with them. In 'one more sleep' (kid time talk), we will all be flying in to visit some other missionaries, bringing in their food order and spending some time with them. That will be great!

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