Sunday, September 28, 2008

At the Store

Standing in line the other day (it’s an art form here), listening to “joy to the world’ play over the loud speaker (because it is Christmas season after all), I noticed an unusual product for sale. It was called ‘placenta soap’. Guaranteed to stop the signs of aging. Yeah, yuck. But it sells. Then again, so do chicken guts and feet. Oh, and I was shopping in the meat section and came across a couple rows of foot long squids. Do you know how funny that looks? Squid on ice; yeah, yummy. And lest it become boring, I also noticed big golf ball sized fish eyes for sale…and this at the fancy grocery store, not the outdoor market, mind you. Put that in my soup, baby.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Do you celebrate Christmas there at a different time beings it is the Christmas season already?