Friday, October 16, 2009

Work and play

What's our day in/day out look like here? Ben is off to work in the morning, often coming back for lunch like this:

Yes, ladies and gentleman, let us tempt you with the delightful tropics, so humid you can slurp the moisture from the air. And, yes, his shirt is soaked from perspiration. I believe his work on this day included working on the airplane at the hangar...This was taken only a short while into the day.

And on the homefront, while daddy toils away in the humid heat, we think of ways to include both entertainment and education (ok, so the education part only happens when I'm involved...). On this particular day, we let it 'snow' in the house, brought by a large amount of old printer paper that the kids found and pulled out. It's the coolest stuff to them. Instead of just one peice of paper, it just kept coming and coming, all attached to the next piece. Maybe the fascination is something akin to the kleenex box for these youngsters. Ah, but I digress...

So, we had snow, able to have snowball fights, make snow angels, and sing snow songs:

And after all that really fun mess, we eat. Sometimes, we even finish the meal:

And at the end of the day, when all is *hopefully* put away, daddy is back from work, tummies are full, and showers are taken, we all sit down to stories before bedtime.

And then...

good night.


Shilo said...

The kiddos are getting so big!! Thanks for the peak into your day, Suz! I always knew you would be a fun mother! :)

Mary Ellen said...

Neat post! Thanks for sharing.