Monday, June 8, 2009

Cheap ear piercings...

The other night, while all blissfully sleeping, a young boy cried out

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"

This woke his parents up.

Unbeknownst to them, something had happened. Thinking he was scared and perhaps had pinned his ear under in his sleep, he was given his special blanket and sent back to sleep. And the hall light was turned on.

The next morning, happening to be a flight day, dad was off early. That left mom to greet the kids upon waking up.

The young boy came to give his mommy a hug. His ear was crusted over with blood. hmmm...not normal.

Cleaning the ear, the mom found his upper ear had been completely pierced thru, in what looked like a bite. After consulting and looking, it was determined to be a rat bite.

Facts about rat bites:
Rats rarely carry rabies (bonus)
Most people are bitten by rats in their sleep
Most bites occur between midnight and 6 AM
Mostly children are bitten by rats
While rare, rat bites can cause rat bite fever (clever name)

So, the boy was watched, the family waited. No fever, no infection. Good news, indeed.

The offending rat was caught and taken care of...

And the boy was told he could not have his ear pierced...


Mary Ellen said...

Uuuummm? How do I even comment on such an event? Not your every day, run of the mill, even in NE!! The statistics are interesting and the fact that they have such statistics available is an interesting fact in itself!

Mary Ellen said...

that was supposed to say "event," not "even".

Java with the Johnsons said...

ugh! GROSS! glad he's ok.

Todd and Julie said...

Suzy!! This story is one that Ty will tell to his kids and grandkids. :) Hopefully there will be no more rats in his bed or yours. Poor boy!

Thanks for the email recently...we're just waiting to find out (re: the "bump")!

Love to you all.