Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Canadian Kids

At the end of January/beginning of February, we went to Canada for Ben's brother's wedding, two weeks in northern Canada and one week in the southern part. It was the first time ever for Ellie to hit the snow; the first time Ty would remember. Sledding/snow fun looks like it is in their blood. It was a new thing to see them both all bundled up like marshmallow people, but they loved it. And Ellie only needed a couple times to convince her that snowpants are a must. Below is her "smile for the camera" face.
And Ben was smashing in his winter get up. He was, as he says, very happy to breathe in COLD, CRISP air, as opposed to our normal atmosphere of a humidifier...

And he enjoyed helping his brother on his house and hanging out with the family.

And I got in the action, too. The first day we arrived (after falling over a stationary set of building supplies *blame sleep deprivation*), I went sledding with the youngins on the sledding hill. Very fun. The bump didn't mind the ride, either. Well, until the kids put a jump into the sledding hill. Then, I became a spectator.


Mary Ellen said...

Neat snow pictures. I bet it was fun the watch the kids' play in the white stuff.

Todd and Julie said...

What, did I hear you say 'the bump'? I believe that's the first time I've heard anything about that!! Congrats on another 'bump', you fun-lovin' mama. Loved all the pics and I can sure identify with breathing in that cold, clean air and loving it. Miss you guys!!