Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cool stuff that happens part 2

A while back, I wrote about the budike (lizard) that fell in my boiling pot of noodles. I included a picture of a bigger lizard as a joke. Little did I know that I would have the opportunity to actually take a picture of a REAL one only a few weeks later.

This LARGE critter got into our chicken coup and ate one of our chickens. The other chickens, not finding their impending fate to their liking, rioted, forcing the door open and escaping while this 'bayawak' feasted on her prize. we heard the squawking and I came outside and quickly closed the door. Our new pet couldn't remember how she got in, so she was stuck. I called Ben to do the dirty work, and he came and caught her. She was 48 INCHES long from head to tail. Ty thought it was cool. Ellie was pretty impressed, too: "daddy killed BIG budike!"

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Brice wants to know how the lizard tasted.