Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Rain and the Ants...

One of the kids favorite pasttimes is Play Doh! What is it about squishy stuff that makes a mess?

Last week, we had a typhoon (hurricane) move through the eastern Philippines. While it missed us, it did bring a lot of cooler weather and rain. We enjoyed playing in said rain. Little did I know the cultural mud puddle I was stepping into. I brought wee little Ellie inside, all dripping wet and only a little muddy, and my helper whisked her away in a hurry.

Why, I ask, are you stripping her down and putting her in to the tub, soaping her down and suds-ing her up?

Of course, she replied, you have to give them a bath after they play in the rain!

Why, I asked (Do I sound like I have the scourge of 3 year olds? 'Why' syndrome?).

They'll get sick if you don't! she says.

You learn someth'n every day, now don't ya?

Our motorbike is our form of transportation here. Here, Ben and Ty are headed to the hangar with Ben's sister on the back.

This morning at 6 am, while getting ready to go to the hangar and prepare for a today's flight, Ben discovered ants in his bike. The little beasts had formed an encampment somewhere inside for their new nest. Thankfully, we successfully dissuaded the ants from making it permanent. It's amazing what your Tagalog (the national language here) and a little Baygon can do...

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